CGTP-IN solidária com greve geral na Grécia

afisa pameDecorre hoje, dia 20 de Fevereiro, uma greve geral de 24 horas na Grécia, convocada por todas as organizações sindicais gregas, reivindicando o direito à negociação colectiva e em protesto contra as políticas ultraliberais do governo grego e da troika. A CGTP-IN enviou uma mensagem ao conjunto do movimento sindical grego (abaixo transcrita em inglês).



Message of Solidarity with 20 February 2013 General Strike

Dear Colleagues of the Greek Trade Union Organisations,

On behalf of CGTP-IN and the Portuguese workers we represent, we extend a message of strong solidarity to your organisations and workers in your 24 hours strike taking place today in defence of the right to collective bargaining and against the brutal attack of big business, the Greek government and the Troika, through their economic and social policies, putting the burden of the crisis on the workers and peoples’ shoulders.

We are fully behind your struggle, since we know from our own situation in Portugal how necessary it is to fight back and defeat these violent ultraliberal measures and policies.
We need to enhance workers’ class-based struggles in our respective countries, in Europe and globally, to secure a change of course that paves the way for the end of exploitation, for justice and social progress.

Fraternal Solidarity

Augusto Praça
International Relations Secretary